Health Insurance in Fort Worth, TX

Having appropriate health insurance can help you reduce your healthcare costs. If you don’t have access to employer-provided healthcare coverage, there are several ways you can get this essential coverage.

Contact Cornerstone Insurance Agency in Fort Worth, Texas, to learn more about your health insurance options.

What Is Health Insurance?

Health insurance is a contract with a health insurance company that provides coverage for certain healthcare services in exchange for monthly premium payments. Health insurance plans differ according to the plan’s rules.

Be sure to read the policy documents carefully to understand which healthcare provider accepts your health insurance, whether you must get preauthorization from the company before you receive certain healthcare services and your potential out-of-pocket expenses.

What Does Health Insurance Cover?

Health insurance may help cover the costs of receiving necessary healthcare services. Without it, you may have to pay out of pocket for 100% of your medical expenses.

Your health insurance plan may include coverage for essential health benefits to help you treat illnesses, recover from accidents and maintain good health. You may also get free preventative care before you meet your annual deductible.

What Is a Deductible in Health Insurance?

Your health insurance deductible is the amount you pay for covered healthcare services before your health insurance plan kicks in to pay its portion of your healthcare bills. After you satisfy your deductible, the plan pays its share of your healthcare bills for the remainder of the year.

For example, if your health plan has a $3,500 deductible, you’ll pay the first $3,500 of covered services. You may also pay a copayment or coinsurance when you need healthcare services after your deductible is satisfied.

Marketplace health plans must cover certain preventative costs before you meet your deductible, like specific screening and counseling services for at-risk adults, regular checkups and some immunizations.

How to Get Health Insurance

There are several ways to get health insurance coverage if you don’t have access to employer-provided coverage, including the following:

  • Shop for coverage in the individual market. Each state has a Marketplace, also known as a health insurance exchange, created by the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Each plan provides access to 10 essential health benefits, including emergency care, mental health services and prescription drug coverage. There is also a federal marketplace that you can access at
  • Get on your parent’s or spouse’s plan. The ACA requires health insurance companies to provide access to your parent’s health insurance plan until age 26, regardless of whether you are married or a full-time student. If your partner or spouse has an employer-sponsored healthcare plan open to family members, you may be able to enroll.
  • Apply for Medicaid or other state-sponsored healthcare programs. Medicaid provides health insurance for qualifying low-income individuals. Your local health department can help determine whether you may qualify for Medicaid or other public coverage options.

Contact Us

Having appropriate health insurance is a crucial component of financial stability. Contact Cornerstone Insurance Agency to get a personalized health insurance quote.

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